Focused Time Of Prayer

Year-Long Prayer Initiative

Mission Mississippi has been praying for 30 years that the racial divide in Mississippi churches and among Christians would end.  Prayer is the foundation for this movement; weekly (for 30 years), people around the State have gathered together to pray for racial reconciliation and healing.

The keywords in this Prayer Initiative are Collective & Focused.  All prayer is good and beneficial, but when Christians pray collectively at the same time and focused on the same things, it is a more powerful attack against our enemy, the Devil.


“As I pondered my reaction as a Christian, I believe the Lord told me to pray. And I mean pray- getting on my face before the Lord and seeking Him. So, the question then became for Neddie Winters and myself, “what is Mission Mississippi’s response?” The answer was clear for both of us…it was to pray, collectively and focused. Within a few days we had organized two 3-hour prayer times, with multiple locations throughout the State. The response was encouraging as people not just in Mississippi, but in other states joined us.”

We Need You!

Acts 12 tells the story of Peter in prison and the angel that led him out of the jail cell because, “ the church was earnestly praying to God for him” (Acts 12:5).  Prayer connects us to God, connects us to each other and is one of our most powerful tools against Satan.

We invite all Christians to join us in our journey and to pray with us every 3rd Thursday of the Month.  If you are able to join in with a group at one of our locations we hope that you will, but if not, please prayer wherever you are. The focus of our prayers will be for racial reconciliation and healing in the Body of Christ.  Prayer guides will be available for download each month.  Different cities will act as our “host” for the month and open up a location in that town for the Prayer Time.

Churches and Ministries are encouraged to open their doors during the designated time each month for Christians to gather together to pray.

Join Us In Prayer!

Fill out the form with some basic information and we will contact you and provide you with more information

Pray With Us
